REAL Couple Mastermind

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Join Our Mastermind Group, Where You can learn strategies and techniques in the following areas to make your marriage a

Sweet and harmonious environment to thrive and soar together as a team:
• Commitment
• Communicate to understand
• Conflict resolution
• Conscious Boundaries
• Connection to consummate
• Compromise to thrive
• Coping with complex personalities
• Compatibility merging etc.

With other like-minded couples to help you build and continue to improve your relationship, one day at a time.
With over 14 years of marriage and over 10 years of coaching, combined with world class experts in various aspects of relationships, I believe that the tips, strategies, techniques from a cultural, personal, psychological, and biblical standpoints that will be shared with you, will help you to have all you need to fully learn, evolve, and prepare for a life of blissful relationship with your future life partner.

We shall cover but not limited areas such as transformational and practical mentoring sessions within the group, coaching calls, and webinars. We shall cover topics like mindset reset, emotional healing, abusive relationship recovery, relationship phobias, dealing with rejection, overcoming lack of confidence, and as seen on the flyer and many more.

I know how powerful my coaching and mentoring young adults produces great results for my clients. Please hear from one of my clients, I recently took them through my pre-marriage coaching with the same strategies I WILL BE SHARING WITH YOU AND WITH OTHER EXPERTS AS WELL.

‘’Our experience of pre-marriage coaching with Mr.Chindah was positive. The quality of information shared, and the diversity of themes discussed on a bi-monthly basis, were of incredibly high value.

Mr.Chindah has mastered the art of interweaving leading relationship research with biblical truth as exemplified through real, lived experiences. His approach is authentic. Thus, there is never a dull moment with Mr.Chindah. Never a question too big or seemingly insignificant that will not meet his enthusiasm. The atmosphere within sessions was conducive for transparent disclosures. And in between sessions, Mr Chindah availed himself to answer follow-up questions, being generous with his time and resources.

Ultimately, the level of professionalism he exuded throughout our sessions ensured structure and the efficient management of time. My partner and I felt that the welfare and growth of our relationship was prioritized by Mr.Chindah. And till this day, we count our decision to proceed with his coaching a worthy investment in our journey to the altar. We highly recommend it’’

Mr. & Mrs J. A. UK

It Takes Two Intentional People to Make a Marriage Work.

Become Part of a Like-Minded Mature Couples, Who Are Ready To Learn, Un-learn & Re-learn The Strategies to Grow in Your Marriage.

What does it take to have a happy, strong, stable, and satisfying marriage that stays happy over several decades? It turns out there are some clear answers to that question if you genuinely want to know. Many couples start so well in their relationships with love, hopeful and ambitions to enjoy their lives together, but after many years, the great start becomes the annoying ending and resentful bitter end for a lot of couples.

The question is why this is happening and what can we do to help reduce this awful statistic. When you see the way marriages are breaking down, it sends shock waves into your spine. The trend is not encouraging but causes more anxiety and confusion both for the married and the unmarried alike.

One important fact we all need to know is the difference between love and romantic passion. Both are not the same and do not have the same effect on our marriages.

Let explore this more and see how to manage both simultaneously for a better marriage!
Does your heart skip a beat when you see your loved one coming toward you? That’s great, but that intensely romantic feeling is not going to stay the same over the years. In a good marriage, it gets replaced with something deeper and more solid, like a tree setting down long roots after a burst of the flower. You’ll know that you can count on your spouse to be there when you need him or her, to understand you better than anyone else, and to help you fulfill your biggest dreams.

In a way, that feeling of solidity and trust is the opposite of wild passion because wild passion always has uncertainty at its core. Not that you will not ever feel wild love for your partner–you will, sometimes. Other times, you will wish that same partner would go far, far away and never come back. And that is OK. Obviously, this is when you are upset and have an unresolved conflict looming over both of you. The fact you had a conflict. Does not mean you do not love your spouse. It shows you need to learn more about each other and grow together.

Another aspect couples should consider is spending time together and learning about each other every day. Life gets very full very quickly with jobs and kids and especially if you are starting a company. So, you may have to be deliberate about making time to be with your spouse to do things together that are fun, as well as the things you need to do. Have a date night, plan the occasional weekend getaway, pray and take vacations together.
It also needs sex, something else you must make time for.

My wife and I do not take sex for granted. It is the oil that keeps us glued emotionally and intimately connected to each other. You need to have spontaneous regular sex even if, you must squeeze in a quick session in between when you first open your eyes and when the alarm goes off or rushing through an encounter before you go out for the evening.
You put planning and thought into most of the important stuff in your life, and sex deserves the same. With forethought, you can set the perfect scene for sex, and you can give each other all the time you need and deserve.

In marriage, you choose to commit to your spouse, and then you choose again and again. To accept them for who they are. To trust them to accept you. You choose to work through the tough stuff that inevitably will happen and to forgive the hurtful things your spouse inevitably will do. You choose to talk about things that are hard to discuss because otherwise they will pull you apart, and sometimes to shut up when you have talked about something enough.
A solid partnership can be the foundation on which everything else you do is built, so you must make it your top priority at least some of the time, and always when it needs to be. Marriage is something you choose, not every six months, but every single day. That choice can sustain you throughout the rest of your life.

I know that God’s plan is for us all to have a fulfilling and satisfying marriage. However, the growth level and curiosity of each spouse to know more via learning, unlearning, and relearning can be a huge challenge. You do not marry for just a few months or years, is supposed to be for a lifetime.

But all lasting marriages must grow and become connected through the continuous personal development of each spouse. You will only enjoy and participate in the exact effort you have put into your marriage. All marriage with

the right mindset of each spouse can become a place of constant happiness and growth.

Hence, I am inviting you to sustain and maintain a healthy marriage by joining us to become a part of the REAL COUPLES MASTERMIND GROUP.


“Successful Marriages are not discovered, But they are Created!”
Chindah Chindah

It Takes Two Intentional People to Make a Marriage Work.

Become Part of a Like-Minded Mature Couples, Who Are Ready To Learn, Un-learn & Re-learn The Strategies to Grow in Your Marriage.


1. One Monthly Webinar with Chindah Chindah and Other Marital Relationship Experts from around the globe via Facebook, ZOOM or any other internet meeting platform.

2. One Question and Answer Session Monthly

3. Telegram and Facebook Private Group Mastermind

4. Email Emergency Support

5. Monthly free give away of gifts such as : Restaurant meal for two, mini holiday within your country, free money voucher to spend and many more

6. Daily or occasionally nuggets to keep you fired up to build and create a relationship in the future that is satisfying and fulfilling for both.

7. A MONTHLY  Book Review to Equip, Educate, and Empower You… For a continuous growing and happy marriage.

Bonuses for Joining Today!

1. 30 Days Free Access to Watch our Couples Connect Conference 2020 and 2019, where we had Dr. Gary Chapman, Dr John Gray, Shaunti Feldhahn, Eden Onwuka, Pastor Agu-Jesus House London, etc.

2. Free Ebook : What Can I Do To Make My Marriage Work?

3. Exclusive 40% discount on all my relationship products.

4. Exclusive 40% Reduced one-on-one coaching with me if required.

It Takes Two Intentional People to Make a Marriage Work.

Become Part of a Like-Minded Mature Couples, Who Are Ready To Learn, Un-learn & Re-learn The Strategies to Grow in Your Marriage.